Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Is there a big demand for pilots as airlines are ordering more aircrafts every year? And will it continue?

There is a huge demand for pilots and it is getting larger year over year. Here are some of the reasons more pilots are needed worldwide:

  • Pilot retirements are increasing.
  • Global air travel is increasing and demand for more available seats are increasing.
  • Years of poor economies, airline bankruptcies, pressures to lower employee costs and eliminate airline employee pensions and retirements has created a “lack of interest” for young folks to consider an lack luster piloting career.
  • Security wait times are still a huge encumbrance for air travel. With screening times averaging around 1–2 hours recently, it is the bottle neck or choke point in passenger convenience and increased travel times.
As we develop faster ways to screen passengers more effectively and efficiently, you will see more people returning to airline flying that are now disgusted with the screening process.

This is one of the best times to be and airline pilot and to consider a career as an airline pilot or any aviation career.

If aviation is your passion then choose a path and a career that will make you happy. If you choose a career that is something you really enjoy and makes you happy; you’ll find that you will excel farther, achieve more and be measurably more successful than if you simply chose a job that you thought would make you more money.

So, choose what makes you happy and you’ll find incredible success along the way.

Thomas Zerbarini