The bigger question is will you buy a ticket with an airline that does not use humans in the cockpit to fly the aircraft?Are airline pilots obsolete?
(Boeing 787 Dreamliner)
The technology is there to develop a system reliable enough to replace pilots in airliners. It comes with a cost and can that cost be recoverable with passenger tickets or cargo waybills. Unfortunately, the answer is maybe. I for one, as a professional pilot, do not want to see pilots replaced in the cockpit whatsoever.
There is always a drive for any business (airlines) to find cheaper ways to provide the same product and boost profit. If an airline can replace humans in the cockpit and pay a ground operator to manage the flight, you better believe they are looking into it.
During my tenure as Executive Vice President of ALPA International, I made the statement to the Executive Council that in our lifetime we will see airlines attempt to replace pilots in the cockpit. The first "test" will take place in Cargo aircraft and it will be promoted as an "add-on" safety tool to supplement the pilots. Then they may move to replace the FAA and ICAO required "Relief Pilot". But, will this be socially acceptable?
Why pilotless planes aren’t the answer to preventing air disasters
Now I merely said attempt. I think it is an idea that is in deep thought as I write this today.
Of course my opinion on the subject is biased being an airline pilot, I acknowledge that. You can't ignore the value of having "two" pilots in the cockpit for safety. The value of cross checking each other and good Crew Resource Management keeps normal human errors in check.
FAA TV: The History of CRM
Further, the adaptability of a good crew to handle any nuance or emergency with efficiency is directly proportional to experience and training. A well trained professional crew is a far better resource in the cockpit than any computer or ground base pilot without any skin in the flight (life on the line.)
I do see the interest and research taking place; I just don't see the viability nor think it would be an acceptable alternative that the public would embrace.
Thomas Zerbarini
Comments, questions and thoughts answered by Thomas Zerbarini on various subjects including Aviation, Family, relationships and much more.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Are airline pilots obsolete?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
Monday, September 28, 2015
Can a doctor become a pilot?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
Keep that passion Ibrahim, anyone at anytime can learn how to fly and be great at it. Passion is the best motivator for learning too.Can a doctor become a pilot?
When I started Flight Instructing, most of my students were doctors, lawyers, drug reps, sanitation workers, you name it. Basic pilot skills for personal enjoyment is in anyones grasp as long as they can afford it. You'll probably spend between $8,000 - $15,000 on your private pilots certificate.
Just be smart about your flying and always be conservative with your abilities as you fly solo or with family and friends. Don't show off too much. You'll find that your passengers will respect and appreciate your skills and attention to detail.
I'd suggest you dabble a bit with flying while your going to med school. Maybe go on a few sailplane lessons and enjoy the ride while learning about flying and energy management. You'll love it--I promise.
Thomas Zerbarini
Thursday, September 24, 2015
What is the runway length needed for Antonov 225?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
Tom's got a great answer.What is the runway length needed for Antonov 225?
I'm also a very big fan of pulling out the spaghetti charts (performance charts) to confirm my aircrafts capabilities. It's just good piloting to master your aircraft.
Here are some examples of the charts pilots, flight engineers and dispatchers use to calculate performance numbers. We used to do these calculations ourselves before standardized performance manuals and computers. Despite the help from computers, good pilots still keep tinker with the old performance charts to stay proficient in using these charts.
You can google more here to see them better:
b727 performance charts
Thomas Zerbarini
Can you eventually become a pilot at a major airline by going to embry riddle?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
Yes, you can eventually become a pilot at a major airline by going to Embry Riddle.Can you eventually become a pilot at a major airline by going to embry riddle?
- Get your degree,
- Get your pilot certificates and ratings
- Build your flight time by instructing, banner towing, Alaska flying, charter, etc...
- Stay out of trouble
- Follow the rules
- Have and follow your own personal Code of Ethics,
- Volunteer your time to good causes from time to time
- Network, network network.
These are some general goals you should develop yourself as you make your way to the cockpit.
Thomas Zerbarini
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Is flying as an airline pilot dangerous for a living?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
Flying as an airline pilot is in no way dangerous for living. It's more dangerous to drive to work than it is to be at work flying if you can imagine that.Is flying as an airline pilot dangerous for a living?
Airlines are a public transportation source dedicated to Safety in a big way. There is so much focus and awareness in everything we do. We practically live breath and digest safety. With so many checks and balances in place via the FAA, NTSB, Public, Media, ALPA Safety, IFALPA Safety, Airline Operations Management, Fellow Employees, Pilots, and Our own personal oversight. You can begin to see why aviation has become incredibly safe.
The Airline industry oversees safety with the swiss cheese approach. Since there is so much human involvement in what we do, we know mistakes will happen. the swiss cheese approach adopts many layers of checks-and-balances so that mistakes or errors have numerous opportunities to be caught before they get out of hand or cause an accident. Of course it's never 100%, but it gets pretty darn close to 100% Safe.
As you can imagine, the best or most safe operations would be the operations that have the best team concept and safety awareness. That's true for any industry or complex environment.
Flying in an airliner is extremely safe in this day and age.
Thomas Zerbarini
Thursday, September 17, 2015
How do airplanes manage to stay straight on the runway during takeoff?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
Most large aircraft have two methods of steering on the ground. For slow speeds and ground maneuvering we use the "tiller". The tiller is a hand control that sends steering commands to the nose wheel. The tiller usually commands approximately 60 to 75 degrees of direction left or right. The second method of steering is the rudder pedals. The rudder pedals have a smaller amount of deflection than the tiller, about 8-12 degrees of deflection left or right.How do airplanes manage to stay straight on the runway during takeoff?
The rudder pedals also have independent brakes systems for their appropriate side (left brake system for left pedal, right brake system for right brake pedal.) Having independent brake systems allow the pilot to use differential braking to control direction. this can be used as a back up method for on the ground steering if the hydraulics to the nose wheel or other steering electronics failure occurs.
During take-off roll, the tiller is initially used to align the aircraft with the runway centerline. Once aligned, the rudder pedals are used to maintain directional control as the aircraft accelerates during the take-off roll. As airspeed increases, the flight controls become more affective and are used for directional control at higher speeds. Once the aircraft has reached a safe speed for flight (We call it Velocity Rotate or Vr,) the flight controls are the primary method of controlling the aircraft. The pilots will use flight control input to "Rotate" or fly the aircraft off the ground. As a positive rate of climb is established, the landing gear is commanded raised and the nose wheel steering system is deactivated.
Thomas Zerbarini
What do all of the controls in an eurofighter typhoon cockpit do?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
I love answering these questions. Most of what you'll find is centered around flying the airplane and monitoring systems. The rest will be defensive and offensive instrumentation and/or special operations and recording devices for reconnaissance.What do all of the controls in an eurofighter typhoon cockpit do?
Check out this fantastic website that lists all the items in the cockpit with pictures and explanations:
Functionality EF-2000
Thomas Zerbarini
Friday, September 11, 2015
How can I be an airline pilot if I have a learning disability and am bad at math?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
First, I suggest consulting at least two FAA Aeromedical Doctors and get your First Class Student Pilot Medical Certificate and talk to him/her about your concerns.How can I be an airline pilot if I have a learning disability and am bad at math?
Second, enroll in a private pilot ground school either locally at the airport or via the internet. Then take the Private Pilot Written Test. if you do well, continue and enroll in the Instrument Rating Ground School and take that test. Keep going with all the written exams and see how you do:
Private Pilot
Instrument Rating
Commercial Pilot
Advanced Ground Instructor
Instrument Ground Instructor
Principles of Instructing
Flight Engineer Written Turbojet
Airline Transport Pilot
At some point in the middle of all these ground schools and exams you'll get an idea if you're capable or not. If you're comfortable then start taking flying lessons.
You'll never know unless you try. You may stumble along from time to time too, just keep at it and don't quit too quickly, you may be pleasantly surprised that you can do it.
Thomas Zerbarini
My parents complain about me to their siblings and I feel none of them care about me anymore, including my parents. What should I do?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
I'm sorry about what you have heard. It feels terrible to over hear a conversation about you when it's negative. Even if they are frustrated with you or have good reason to be upset with you--it still hurts.My parents complain about me to their siblings and I feel none of them care about me anymore, including my parents. What should I do?
If you feel comfortable with speaking to your parents, let them know what you heard and how that makes you feel. Don't attack, complain or blame, just relate your feelings and ask them to please not do that anymore.
At the very least you will feel better about expressing your true feelings. Secondly, the openness about how you feel may develop dialogue with your parents. There is obviously things that you may need to discuss and work through with your parents.
Try to keep an open mind and take responsibility and ownership of your contribution (negative or positive) in the relationship with your parents. If you express your feelings honestly and calmly and take responsibility for your contribution to the conflict, you will find that others will take ownership of their contributions and hurtful statements more easily.
This is very basic advice without knowing the details of what led up to your parents complaints.
Thomas Zerbarini
How do I become a pilot?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
Its as simple as going to your local small airport and taking lessons. Look up schools near you on the internet or phone book.How do I become a pilot?
Here's a great article from AOPA Flight Training Magazine on How to Choose a Flight School:
- Flight Training
Here's the link for the AOPA Flight Training Magazine on searching the 141 school database:
Flight School Directory
Here is the Aviation College Database Search:
Search the Aviation College Database
Thomas Zerbarini
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
What is a good printable chore chart for teenagers?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
There are a number of charts you can find here to get some really great ideas:What is a good printable chore chart for teenagers?
teenage chore chart and app
I like the ones that incorporate school work and home chores in a checklist form that require a review with the parents daily to reinforce acknowledging and praise that the tasks were completed.
I've also looked into ChoreMonster younger kids love it.
You may want to check out an App for your iPhone or other device since kids are so into their electronics. Check out iAllowance (Allowances, Chores & Rewards w/Sync) and iReward in the App store.
For more adult type apps for your teen check out these:
30/30 - You have never experienced a task manager like this!
Wunderlist | To-do list, Reminders, Errands - App of the Year!
My Study Life
Habitica - Your Life the Role Playing Game
I like all of them for their uniqueness in helping with specific habits to focus on improving. For a tech teen I'd probably look at the 30/30 app and then My Study Life app when they got into High School to prepare them for college daily planning.
Thomas Zerbarini
What is the most maneuverable aircraft in the world?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
When we talk about maneuverability in an aircraft you have to consider that an aircraft is more maneuverable the more its aerodynamics are "unstable." The aircraft I would say was the most maneuverable would be the experimental Grumman X-29 flown by NASA:What is the most maneuverable aircraft in the world?
This unusual looking aircraft that appeared to seem it was flying backwards was so unstable that it required a triple redundant Fly-by-wire (Fly by Wire: Fact versus Science Fiction) flight control system to provide "artificial" stability and keep the aircraft from spinning out of control. The cockpit was simple yet the aircraft was ahead of its time.
The aircrafts instability was inherent in turning the wing backwards. The aircraft wanted to pitch, roll and dutch roll violently if not actively controlled by the triple redundant fly-by-wire systems with an analog back-up.
I'm certain that the variable exhaust nozzles, being used in our most advanced fighters today, if placed on an forward swept design like the X-29 would have dazzled NASA and the Pentagon on the extreme maneuverability of such a concept.
You'll have to consider that todays designs are larger demand multi-role tactical fighters that are bigger, use stealth technology and would have a tendency to be more lumbering in a dogfight than say the F-16 or a design like the X-29.
In an effort to save money, congress tends to like the multi-role fighter platform. Such a platform depends more on technology, missiles and radar to defeat a foe and the aircraft tend to be larger and more lumbering.
This idea has happened in the past with other aircraft like the F-4 Phantom. A huge powerful aircraft that was too big to effectively dogfight with lighter more maneuverable fighter jets. We may again see another aircraft surface that is light and nimble to truly replace the F-16.
Thomas Zerbarini
What is mogas?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
MoGas is motor vehicle gas or gasoline. General Aviation aircraft owners sometimes use MoGas instead of AvGas to save money. MoGas generally is cheaper than AvGas. Pilots flying experimental aircraft tend to use MoGas more than pilots flying manufactured aircraft.What is mogas?
There are issues that must be considered if using MoGas.
Using Motor Gasoline in Aircraft Reciprocating Engines
Also, check out the FAA Advisory Circular on using MoGas:
AC 91-33A - Use of Alternate Grades of Aviation Gasoline for Grade 80/87, and Use of Automotive Gasoline
MoGas may become a more popular form of fuel for General Aviation due to the fact that AvGas may become obsolete over the years. Aircraft engine manufacturers are already addressing the issue by making duel fuel engines.
Thomas Zerbarini
Thursday, September 3, 2015
What happens when a bird strikes an aircraft?
Answer by Thomas Zerbarini:
That depends on how large and how fast the aircraft is traveling. Also, how many birds the aircrafts strikes as well.What happens when a bird strikes an aircraft?
Small birds are typically a non event.
Medium birds can cause some skin dents and internal dents or popped rivets.
Large birds are the most dangerous. Large birds can cause significant damage and up to catastrophic failure of an engine, windshield or Radome nose cone.
Manufacturers go to great lengths to test engines for bird ingestion. Check out this test by GE, Watch GE Test Its Jet Engines by Putting Them Through Hell
As a pilot, anytime we encounter or suspect a bird strike we report that suspicion to the airport or Air Traffic Controller (ATC) to advise other pilots and airport personnel to inspect the runways for a circus or more birds that could be hazardous to other aircraft. Secondly, we'll run any appropriate checklists and determine if the flight can continue or be terminated. Upon landing, the crew will make a written maintenance entry and advice maintenance control of the bird strike Maintenance will conduct a thorough inspection on the aircraft to determine if any damage was encountered. Finally, the crew will file a written report to the company which will document the event for the company and FAA to research and/or track the bird strike event.
Bird strikes are usually not a serious event; but, they can be if the bird is large enough to cause severe damage.
Thomas Zerbarini
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